Mar 31, 2020
Today Tim sits down with Dasha of the 'Blended Bradleys' to discuss Step-Parenting, overcoming extended family pitfalls and why she started her online blog.
Mar 24, 2020
Tim talks about 'do-overs' regrets and what to be mindful of as new Step-Parents.
Mar 17, 2020
When you've been called to share your message with the world it often comes with a price and in the most peculiar ways.
Charmaine Broome has taken this to a whole new level in the form
of her brand new soft reality book 'My Dad has a Girlfriend'
Volumer 1
On todays episode Charmaine sits down with me to talk about...
Mar 13, 2020
Blended Family Members,
every once in a while we get tired! Maybe even a bit discouraged.
It's these times that we could use an encouraging word or someone
to give us a different perspective on our situation all
Recharged was created by Tim Watson to do just that! It'll be airing each Friday with episodes...