Feb 25, 2020
Why am I doing this? Is this role even worth it? When you think about the work it takes to be a Step-Parent it can cause all sorts of anxiety and uncertainty. Today Tim speaks with fellow podcaster and host of the Blended Family Podcast 'Melissa'
Feb 18, 2020
In this episode Tim chats with Genet and Christina from 'The Radical Stepmoms Podcast'. The ladies talk best practices regarding selfcare, open communication and realistic expectations.
Everything from pet-peeves to walking on eggshells in the home and how to crush that stigma is all talked about on today's episode.
Feb 4, 2020
Youtube personalities 'The Blended Love' stops by to hang with Tim and the Blendcredible Crew. This family puts a Capital 'B' in the word blended. Their story of how they met, who's involved, and what they do to maintain a sense of sanity will inspire you
Feb 4, 2020
When you took that first step in to your new family your whole world changed. For most of us we were lost and unsure of our decision to be a Stepparent. Just knowing that we are connected to other Stepparents makes it a bit better.